Geographic Coverage

Broad geographic regions in which the species have been observed, based on published records, are indicated by two-letter codes in brackets following the valid species names. These codes and their areas are indicated on the accompanying map of North America, using two-letter abbreviations:

  • FN=far north (above the 60th parallel)
  • FS=far south (below the Tropic of Cancer)
  • HI=Hawaii
  • NE=northeast
  • NW=northwest
  • SE=southeast
  • SW=southwest

See Species List for usage examples. In addition actual countries of distribution are also given, using three-letter abbreviations:

  • BER=Bermuda
  • CAN=Canada
  • GRE=Greenland
  • MEX=Mexico
  • SPM=Saint Pierre and Miquelon
  • USA=United States

As an example, USA:FN indicates an Alaskan distribution whereas MEX:SW indicates a northern Mexican distribution. Only FS, HI and SE are unique to one country (FS to Mexico, HI & SE to the United States).

Extralimital distributions of species in the coverage area are indicated with four-letter abbreviations as follows:

  • AFRI=Africa
  • ASIA=Asia
  • CAMR=Central America
  • EURO=Europe
  • SAMR=South America


Geographic Coverage Areas for Mayflies