Abbreviations Defined

All subordinate species name equivalents are followed by some parenthetical indicator of the basis for their subordination. In addition, for those few species that are of dubious status (unable to be refuted or substantiated at this time), the species name is followed by (dub.); species introduced to the coverage area from outside are indicated by (intro.). Abbreviations used in parentheses accompanying names are defined as follows:

combination: a name recombined with a generic name different from the original;
nomen dubium: a name that is of dubious status in that it cannot presently be determined what the species named as such actually is; although all nomina dubia have a generic name associated with them, keep in mind that some of them cannot actually be placed to any genus with confidence due to the lack, or loss, of original material on which the names were based;
homonym: the name (as the unique combination of genus and species names) is or becomes the same as one used for another species at an earlier time; the subordinate homonym, therefore, had to be replaced with a new name, see (renam.), below; the species name that has priority is also indicated within the parentheses along with (hom.);
misidentification: another valid species (not a subordinate name) with which the species has incorrectly been associated in the past; although historical misidentifications are not generally cited in the Species List, in the one instance where a North American species has traditionally been cited by the name of another valid species now known not to occur in North America, the misidentification is noted so that the species may be tracked;
introduced species: this applies to two Oriental species introduced to Hawaii;
original: the original name, including the original name in its correct form if it has been changed from an incorrectly formed name;
renamed: a new name given because the original or recombination of the original is a secondary homonym (the same as that which has been given to another species previously); in one instance, the new name was unnecessary and is indicated as (invalid renam.);
spelling: a misspelled or incorrect form of the name;
status: represents a change from species to subspecies status within the same species;
synonym: another name that was proposed independently for the same species. Normally, the earliest published name takes priority.