About Us
Entomology at Purdue
The Department offers a comprehensive program of learning, engagement
and discovery that meets the needs of Indiana, the Midwest, and
the nation. There are 22 academic and 5 adjunct faculty,
36 professional staff, and 16 administrative, clerical and service
staff. Currently there are 40 undergraduates, 30 graduates,
and 7 post-doctoral associates. Graduate degree programs
at both the Master’s and Ph.D. level are offered.
Academic programs in entomology include courses in general entomology,
diversity and identification, insect structure and function, ecology
and behavior, pest management, and areas of specialization. The
Department provides three undergraduate options including “Entomology” which
focuses on a general curriculum in insect science. “Crop
Protection” requires additional classes in crop production
and related disciplines such as weed science and plant physiology,
while “Urban and Industrial Pest Management” requires
courses in personnel management and business. Graduate students
pursue curricula customized for each individual. All entomology
students are encouraged to seek international experience through “study
abroad” programs. Merit and need-based financial aid
is available to qualifying students.
Extension programs focus on insect pest management including field
crops, vegetables, livestock, ornamental plants, and home and urban/industrial
settings. The USDA-APHIS Animal Damage Control Unit is also
part of the Department’s extension program.
Our research can be broadly divided into six signature areas based
expertise and emerging opportunities as follows: Genomics & Proteomics,
Urban Entomology, Crops and Livestock Pest Management, Environmental
Stewardship, International Programs, and Science Education. We
have active research programs in biology, biochemistry, systematics,
and behavior focused on:
- cellular and molecular entomology
- insect biochemistry and toxicology
- systematic entomology and nematology
- aquatic entomology
- quantitative ecology
- host plant resistance
- biological control
- insect pest management
- urban/industrial entomology
These efforts include contributions by the USDA-ARS Crop Production
Unit Wheat Team.
Bug Bowl – A nationally and internationally recognized event
held every spring celebrates the fascination of insects. Among
the activities are Roachhill Downs cockroach races, cake decorating
contest, cricket spitting, bugs as food, insects in art, insect
crafts and face painting, honey bee exhibit and honey tasting,
insect petting zoo, observation zoo, caterpillar canter, and insect
activity center. Bug Bowl attracts more than 30,000 visitors.
Insectaganza – “Science on 6 Legs – An
Insectaganza of Education” is an opportunity for fifth grade
students in the area to come to Purdue to learn about insects from
the professors. The program consists of Quizbowl – a test
of a school’s insect knowledge, caterpillar canter races,
lectures on insects, a magic show, and dissecting grasshoppers.
Insectaganza takes place each fall.
IPM in Schools - offers pest control solutions for schools
that reduce the potential for pesticide exposure. The program provides
training and resources to school administrators, custodians, and
pest control officials in Indiana and Illinois through pilot projects,
workshops, a website, and an 800 number hotline.
The Center for Environmental and Regulatory Information Systems
is a series of federal and user-funded programs that maintains
a collection of databases on pesticides (National Pesticide Information
and Regulatory System, NPIRS), plant import/export (EXCERPT), and
exotic pest tracking (NAPIS) used by academia, industry and government. NAPIS,
the National Agricultural Pest Information System, is the database
that maintains the Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS)
data funded under a cooperative agreement between Purdue University
and USDA APHIS PPQ. NPIRS, the National
Pesticide Information Retrieval System, contains pesticide product
registration, at the state and federal level, product registration
document information, data submitter information, residue tolerances,
and a Federal Register archive dating back to May 1, 1993. EXCERPT,
the Export Certification Project, is a centralized database
that contains up-to-date export summaries used for issuing phytosanitary
certificates funded under a cooperative agreement between Purdue
University and USDA.
The Department
of Entomology is housed in Smith Hall (SMTH), Whistler Agricultural Research
Building (WSLR), and the Entomology Environmental Laboratory (EEL) on
Purdues West Lafayette campus, and several associated facilities
near the campus. SMTH houses the teaching faculty, a student resource
room, two dedicated entomology classrooms, most extension staff and programs,
the Purdue Entomological Research Collection, several research programs
and the administrative office suite. WSLR is an interdisciplinary facility
that houses Entomology programs requiring specialized laboratory facilities
for cellular, molecular and genetic research; researchers from other Agriculture
departments; and also is home to the Purdue Genomics Core Facility. EEL
has lab and office space for the nematology program and Purdue Nematode
Collection, host plant resistance program, growth chambers and serves
as the head house for the attached greenhouses.
The departments
Center for Environmental and Regulatory Information System (CERIS) is
located in a rented office suite off campus. The Entomology Field Operations
Building (EFOB) is located on a 6-acre tract 1.5 miles west of campus.
This facility is used for field plot equipment storage, applying pesticides
in laboratory experiments, and as a general workshop for the Department.
The apiary is located at this site and the building provides support facilities
for our honeybee research activities. Entomology has facilities in the
Crop Protection Laboratory located at the Agronomy Research Center for
storage and mixing of pesticides. Other field research is conducted at Purdue Agricultural Centers,
and with cooperators across the state.