Special Interests: Genetic improvement of cowpea, with particular emphasis on virus resistance and improved quality traits. Strong advocate of biotechnology and its use in developing countries, as such have developed a keen interest in related topics such as biosafety, intellectual property rights and effective biotechnology communication.
Position: Senior Lecturer
University of Zimbabwe
P O MP 167, Mt. Pleasant
Harare , Zimbabwe
263-4-308328/308047 ext 1421/1283
Fax: 263-4-333678/407
My goal is to one day help put a genetically-improved cowpea variety on the dinner table and in the hands of resource-poor farmers in sub-Saharan Africa . While the battle has been long and hard, the prospects of a transgenic cowpea are now within reach, thanks to the dedicated NGICA community.
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Purdue University
Department of Entomology
901 W. State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2089
(765) 494-4554