Jacob N. Quaye, Administrator
Special interests: Administrative and financial management in general with particular reference to the activities of international agricultural research and related centers working in the field of African development; helping to establish such centers by putting the right administrative and financial management structures in place or helping to run them, efficiently, within the African context and in collaboration with external partners and stakeholders. In this context, a number of years have been spent working with all the CGIAR centers in Africa namely: WARDA, IITA, ILRI, ICRAF and now with AATF.
Position: Advisor to the Executive Director, African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF). Currently, managing, in consultation with other AATF staff, the administrative processes leading to the Foundation getting a host country agreement with Kenya and charity status in the UK; ensuring that the Foundation is compliant with the Annual Returns and Annual Tax Returns regimes in both Kenya and the UK given its status, in both places, as a company limited by guarantee; managing relations with the Board of Trustees and the Board Advisory Committee; working as a resource person to the Executive Director and the staff in general on corporate knowledge of the Foundation having been a member of the founding team, to name a few of my functions.
Address: |
Current: AATF
c/o ILRI
Old Naivasha Road
P O Box 30709
Nairobi 00100, Kenya
Phone: 254 20 422 3741 Direct
or 254 20 422 3700 operator
Fax: 254 20 422 3701
Mobile: 254 733 220 597
E-mail: j.quaye@cgiar.org
Permanent: Home: 25 Asanfena Crescent
Platinum Place
Regimanuel/Gray Estates
Spintex Road
East Airport
Accra Ghana
Phone 233 21 701 1843
Mail: |
P. O. BOX KA 9052
A commitment to the eradication of poverty and food security in Africa dictates a total devotion to the efforts of those working to realize these objectives and NGICA's work in Cowpea is one such effort.