Special Interests: My lab seeks to develop efficient protocols for transformation of recalcitrant plant species, with a primary focus on cowpea. I also have a general interest in plant environmental stress physiology, with a primary goal to elucidate plant cuticle genetics and the role of cuticle as a drought avoidance mechanism. Through this research, I hope to contribute to the genetic improvement of cowpea and other important crop species.
Position: Associate Professor of Plant Physiology. Currently, I am an active participant in the MUCIA Agricultural Export for Rural Income Institutional Linkage project funded by USAID through the Capacity Building component working with five faculties of agriculture in Upper Egypt .
Purdue University
Center for Plant Environmental Stress Physiology
625 Agriculture Mall Drive
West Lafayette , IN 47907
Phone: 765-494-1332
Fax : 765-494-0391
Email : jenks@hort.purdue.edu
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Purdue University
Department of Entomology
901 W. State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2089
(765) 494-4554