Special Interests: Cowpea breeding and genetics, both through conventional techniques and molecular biology; marker development/identification for important traits in cowpea production and utilization; QTL analysis and mapping of these traits; marker assisted selection for important traits (i.e. Striga resistance); and African Agriculture.
Position:Cowpea Breeder, Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD), Maroua, Cameroon.
Currently Principal HC Investigator of Bean/Cowpea Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP)/IRAD project, Co-Principal Investigator of an African Development Bank funded project based on an Integrated Control of main pests and diseases of cereals and legumes in the Soudano-Sahelian zone of Cameroon, Chief of Cowpea Unit in the IRAD Maroua Center, Chief of Scientific Animation Service in IRAD Maroua Center.